IOMix011 // SDEM
Yushh // Two Knockout EPs
IOMix007 // Church Andrews & Matt Davies
Tusken Raiders // Housewerk 1 & 2
Salamanda // ashbalkum
ZULI // All Caps
Maoupa Mazzochetti // UXY Dosing©
Dax Pierson // Nerve Bumps
Galcid // Hope & Fear
Catch up on Skam broadcasts
28-10-2021There’s something magical about a label like Skam, who by rights could have dined out on their prescient role in the development of UK electronica but instead stubbornly maintained a stealthy presence which rewards the dedicated followers and shuns hype. The latest in their deep cover endeavours is AMKS, a self-hosted, live-streaming broadcast session which pops up intermittently, with the next show scheduled for this Sunday, October 31, 2021.
You might never be sure exactly who’s on the buttons, although some names are given. It’s no surprise to see a Skam fixture like Gescom popping up, but rumour ‘pon net is there are plenty of other ‘names’ tucked away in the mysterious shows, which have been airing since lockdown began last year. It would figure, given Skam’s heritage, but equally they’re always bringing fresh names into the mix too. Whatever the case, you know the quality of the sonics will be utmost at all times.
You can look over the details of previous transmissions via the label’s Instagram, or if you want to dive into the quintessentially crunchy ‘lectronix the label still proudly carries, a useful YouTuber named Leisure Complex has unofficially archived many of them for your listening pleasure.
Out to Nate from Organic Analogue for the tip-off.
Galcid’s day-to-day machine madness
10-02-2021Lena Saito’s work as Galcid deserves far more recognition. The Japanese artist has a razor-sharp approach to head-spinning electronica with a fierce hardware bite. Ahead of her incredible new album Hope and Fear dropping on Detroit Underground, here’s one of her brief vignettes that shows her juggling an obsession with sequencing and sonics with her life as a mother. Respect to Lena, on all fronts!